Define wage scale

Wages are tied to time, competency mastery, or both, depending on the program.

Every Registered Apprenticeship must document a progressive wage scale that apprentices will earn as they learn new skills. Employers and/or sponsors must define a minimum starting wage for apprentices and include a roadmap of when apprentices should receive wage increases. For comparison, wage increases are often granted at least annually in TB apprenticeships, where wage increases are tied to hours worked.

In CB apprenticeships, wage increases need to be based on apprentices’ level of competency. There are various ways to approach a CB wage scale. For example, wage increases may be tied to:

  • The overall percentage of competencies attained

  • Gaining competencies at various levels (e.g., you may identify each competency in your work process as a beginner, intermediate, or advanced skill, and grant wage increases based on completion of all skills at each level)

  • Completion of the overall apprenticeship program (though this is not recommended unless the program is relatively short in duration)

In HY programs, the wage increases in the wage scale may be tied to hours worked, competencies attained, or some combination of both.

Also, consider your existing HR policies about wage increases. The apprenticeship wage scale should be aligned with these existing policies when appropriate.
